Operations in a manufacturing company are the heart of the company itself. Often some corporate organizations need to bring strong innovation to processes, even in a radical way. To face these profound transformations, companies need a Manager with unquestionable experience gained in more organized contexts of different sizes and larger than them. In simple terms, it is important to include in this type of intervention, an experienced person, oversized for the position, but able to improve the processes without errors and hesitation. This can happen if the manager has already lived these experiences in structured and manufacturing contexts. Clearly if the company is followed by an external partner that studies the reorganization phases, it will have to deal with the same to better define the figure to be sought and identified.
There are several activities related to Lean. In the Lean Transformation, the business processes are intervened in order to obtain important benefits that can be extended to the entire organization, such as: decrease Lead Time of the whole process, definition of KPI indicators, increase efficiency by reducing NVA, decrease the number and variety of components in a product, decrease stocks by releasing financial resources and space, create a change in habits, increasing the degree of involvement: Designing Lean Office interventions, Lean Agile, etc. Also here clearly apply the characteristics of the manager(s) involved in the project seen for the Operation. Also in this case, if the company is followed by an external partner that studies the reorganization phases, it will have to deal with the same to better define, together with EHR Italy, the figure to be sought and identified.